Appirio in the News

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Appirio Makes Salesforce Chatter + Twitter Integration into a Contest

To a rapidly increasing degree, Salesforce Chatter is becoming the communications platform for essentially all classes of business, in both the public and private sectors. There was a time when Salesforce tools were considered to be leveraged against Twitter and Facebook as social platforms, but for certain segments of the user base, that leverage is reversing itself.

Now the mobile application framework provider Appirio, which ReadWriteWeb introduced to you last June, is opening up a kind of persistent contest for the open source community, with a channel for distributing a new class of tools that would effectively leverage these consumer social tools on Salesforce's business social tool...

Appirio Social Enterprise Toolkit Links To Chatter

Cloud integration specialist Appirio has introduced a Social Enterprise Toolkit, which is essentially a greatest hits collection of apps for's Chatter.

The toolkit is a collection of software assets accumulated through many integration projects, as well as a developer crowdsourcing collaboration with CloudSpokes, said Narinder Singh, co-founder and chief strategy officer at Appirio. "A lot of them are new, added over the last few weeks or months, because we've been adding to the asset library so quickly," he said...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

5 things entrepreneurs should know about the cloud

OC Register
...Bergeron presented at “The Power of The Cloud” event Monday evening along with Narinder Singh, chief strategy officer at Appirio and others before an audience of more than 100 local businesspeople and I.T. professionals . Both Ingram Micro, Orange County’s largest revenue earning company, and Appirio, a startup based in San Mateo, are looking to help companies move to cloud services.

Below I culled five key things entrepreneurs should know about the cloud from presentations and interviews with the speakers...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Consultants in the Cloud

The New York Times
...While Google has worked without a large consulting partner, it should be said that several smaller consultancies are working to encourage companies to adopt Google’s cloud-based office productivity software.

Among these are Dito, SADA Systems, Appirio and Cloud Sherpas. Each offers a somewhat different approach. SADA is reselling both Microsoft and Google products. Appirio offers Google along with a broad range of other cloud services for business, like Dito is making much of moving companies to Google’s Chromebooks, which are lightweight laptops built for cloud interactions. Cloud Sherpas is among the largest consultants stressing Apps, and it claims to have moved over 1 million people to Google Apps...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Cloud Provider Appirio To Recognize 'Cloudwashers'

Cloud solution provider Appirio is calling out the false cloud and is planning a tongue-in-cheek awards ceremony recognizing the year's biggest "cloudwashers," or vendors and organizations that have used the term "cloud" to describe products and services that actually aren't cloud at all.

Dubbed "the Washies," the awards will be "given to the worst offenders of painting over traditional IT technology with the word 'cloud,' even though it offers little-to-none of the benefits that cloud computing brings," Appirio wrote on its Web site for the Washies, through which it is also accepting nominations...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 and Model Metrics

Enterprise Irregulars
...I wondered if its announced acquisition of Model Metrics was a change in strategy. I asked Narinder Singh, co-founder at Appirio, and as he has blogged “Since early this year, Salesforce has aligned their entire company and all of their considerable marketing might around the social enterprise…..By adding Model’s mobile development and UI capabilities to their team, Salesforce will be able to make the social enterprise vision tangible for customers.”

In other words it extends Salesforce’s push on Chatter and acquisitions like Radian6.

Narinder adds “We are somewhat relieved to know they will be focused on driving the social enterprise and mobility for Salesforce (and therefore with us), instead of being our most worthy competitor.”...

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Invisible Social Enterprise: What Every Exec Needs to Know Today

In an article last year for the Sales Ops Council, I introduced the idea of the "invisible social enterprise," how employees are already using social networks to create real business value often without the knowledge of the executive team.

Things have changed a lot over the past year: chose "Social Enterprise" as the theme for their Dreamforce 2011 conference, Google recently released their Google+ social network to enterprise customers, and more companies are using public social networks like Twitter as formal marketing and support channels to their customers...
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