Appirio in the News

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Appirio ‘Honoring’ the Best of the Worst in the Cloud

Talkin' Cloud
Following in the footsteps of the infamous Razzie awards given to the people responsible for the worst movies of the year, cloud integrator Appirio has invited me to the inaugural Washies: an awards ceremony designed to publicly shame those vendors who claim a solution is “cloud” when it’s really just a fresh coat of paint on an aging legacy solution.

The idea, according to Appirio’s blog entry, is to have a little fun at the expense of those companies who are dead-set on capitalizing on cloud hype without taking the time or effort to really understand what that means. And thus far response from the cloud services channel and other IT pros has already been outstanding, the company noted, with early votes and nominees flooding in...
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