Silicon Valley Business Journal
...Appirio is a business that's been ramping very quickly. They've done some acquisitions. Most recently they bought a company in the East Bay called Knowledge Infusion to expand their practice.
It’s got a great management team with Chris Barbin and Narinder Singh. We only back existing strong managers. We love the guys at Box, too, with Aaron Levie, Dylan Smith and Dan Levin. So that's where it starts.
Then we were able to develop a partnership relationship with them where we could be very helpful to pursue some M&A targets that Appirio wanted to pursue. We were helpful in doing due diligence and in getting those deals done.
In addition we've been very helpful with introducing them to some of those Global 2000 and Fortune 500 companies we work with. So it’s been just a great partnership for a business that this year will do over $100 million in revenue and is growing very quickly, expanding globally wanting to get these large customers. It was a situation where we could invest just over $50 million of capital. So it's just sizeable enough for us to spend our time on. And they really believed in and believe in our value proposition, how we would differentiate from traditional venture capital money...
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